Pebble is an unfinished fan-made reimplementation of "Perypetie Boba", a project initiated by various users between 2019 and 2021, written in C.
In late 2024, I began working on porting the entire Pebble codebase to Rust with the goal of finally completing it (see
rust branch).
Original commiters
An anonymous userStarted the project and made a lot of things later. This person wants to stay anonymous and not be mentioned.
rikiEntity system, game physics, collision system and many other quality-of-life things
FirstboberMain menu, backend, saving system, CI/CD, testing
oo8Surface rendering system, audio engine, text rendering, particle system, various graphical effects
ezioleqVarious minor fixes. And a fish entity.
Why are you resuming the development of this project?
Just for fun, because this project has always had the potential to be the successor to the original game.Why do you want to port it to Rust instead of finishing it in C?
Rust is literally better in any aspect for these projects in terms of memory safety, not mentioning a wide range of supported platforms.What will happen to Perypetie Boba?
Nothing. This project is complete as-is and will still be available for download.